Lesson 1 A: Experimenting, Happiness, & Positivity

The Canvas' Power

By working at the canvas you will begin to experience a shift from your busy left brain to your creative right brain. Joy will pull aside your busy life.

  1. How do you feel about The Blank canvas? If you feel resistance, where is it coming from?

( Answer in the comments below)

The Blank Canvas

The blank canvas is where we think of our infinite potential and beauty. As creatives, we can empower our happiness, self-love, and life balance through fun and release the self-doubt and worries of our lives on the canvas. We a take break from busy life and enter into the mindfulness moments at the canvas which fill us up with higher vibrations and joy.

There is so much beauty in painting on a blank canvas. Not only do you as a creative get to recreate positive thinking and enjoyment at the canvas, but you empower your own happiness. Happiness empowerment effects your lookout of your life experiences and you as a joyful, shining being, you can ripple that feeling to others. You attract and spread wonderful loving energy!

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