Are you ready to bring
more Joy and Happiness
into your being?
Join Susan for your
Journey into expanding Happiness and Balance in your life through realizing that anyone can be an
Acrylic Artist or
Find that Spark to
Expand your
Love for Yourself and
Painting Practice.
Why are Happiness and Healing Contagious with Painting?
When we paint we awaken our inner joy, learn to laugh at mistakes, take risks, and raise our vibration, leading us to balance and healing. In our busy, busy worlds we can be critical of ourselves and become stuck in our left brain as a result we are out of balance. Playing at the canvas, declaring what we want , listening to our inner child, and taking risks allows us to practice balance and break away from our inner critic. Letting go of worry and just having a break to be playful and experience painting leads to more solutions and mindfulness spilling over into your life. When we are Happier, we Attract Happy!
Susan's Inspired Art Studio
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